Via Terme di Traiano, 173, 00053 Civitavecchia RM


Via Terme di Traiano, 173, 00053 Civitavecchia RM

Vanvitelli Fountain


Vanvitelli Fountain

When, in 1630, port duty was reinstated, it became necessary to separate the port itself from the city. Urbano VIII therefore had a wall built which still exists today and which also went to complete the city’s defensive system which, towards the sea, was in fact lacking. Paul V had already examined the problem, which appeared serious due to possible sudden landing by enemy troupes, in an area that was too far from the fortress and therefore not reachable by battery fire.
To confront this danger, even after the wall was built, a study was carried out on various types of expedients and in particular, to make the port safe from night time attacks, a blocking system was arranged at the entrance to the port, using nets, wooden beam and chains anchored to the bastions at the end of the docks. The wall was covered with the remains of those ancient buildings which surrounded the Trajanic port.
The original walls built in “opus reticolatum” are still visible inside the rooms situated at the base of the walls (which are now used as fisheries).
In 1740, under Benedetto XIV and based on a project by Luigi Vanvitelli, the central part of the wall was decorated with a large fountain in travertine. A harmonic and complex curving stairs descended to the water’s edge.
Today the stairs are imprisoned in the “Prince Thomas” quay and the entire area has lost the characteristics of a meeting place which, during the course of centuries has been accentuated making the port one of fulcrums of life in the city.
This and other internal port areas, which are not involved with port operations, will have to be restored for this type of activity which, amongst other things, was typical of the port in the past.

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